52 yr old gentleman with Hydronephrosis and uncontrolled blood sugars

 HALL TICKET NO.1601006058

General medicine practical


This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment

52year old gentleman, from khammam who  is a contractor by occupation, came to the hospital with the 

chief complaints of bed wetting, morning urgency and incomplete emptying of bladder since 3 years.


History of Presenting illness : 

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 years ago, then: 

- he developed incontinence of urine since 3 years which got worse since 1 year.he had poor bladder emptying and flow rate while voiding since 3 years. 

- he had nocturnal enuresis since 1 year which was progressively getting worse. He also experienced morning urgency which was  usually uncontrolled dribbling.


- on symptoms getting worse he got a medical checkup where he was diagnosed with benign prostate hyperplasia.

- 4 weeks ago he got his prostate removed for bladder outflow obstruction.

- he then developed jaundice ,high and uncontrolled blood sugar with raised creatinine and urea.

- he also developed headache , dizziness and breathlessness while walking.

- he had normal urine flow rate and no incontinence after the operation.

- he was diagnosed with hydronephrosis and got referred to this hospital.

- he lost 10kg since the last 3 weeks.

Past history : 

-he is a diabetic since 5 years.

Personal history : 

- He consumes a mixed diet, 

- His appetite is normal, 

- His bowel movements are regular.

- His bladder movements are regular.

- He has no addictions.

Family history : is not significant 

Treatment history : The patient has been taking metformin with glibenpramid since 5 years for diabetes. 

On General Physical Examination : 

- The patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative, sitting comfortably on the bed.

- He is well oriented to time, place and person.

- He is normal built and well nourished.BMI: 23kg/m2.

Vitals :

- Temperature = he is afebrile

- Pulse = 78 beats per minute, regular, normal in volume and character. There is no radio-radial or radio-femoral delay. The condition of the arterial wall is normal.

- Blood pressure = 110/70 mm of Hg 

- Respiratory rate = 17 cycles per minute.

- JVP is normal

- Pallor is present.

- Mild icterus is present. 

- There is no Oedema, Clubbing , cyanosis and Generalized lymphadenopathy.




1. Shape – round, generalised fullness

2. Flanks – free

3. Umbilicus – Position: normal, Shape- normal

4. Skin – no scars, visible dialations , smooth , no distention.

5.Movements of the abdominal wall equally on respiration on all quadrants.

6. Renal angle: 


 Superficial Palpation – No Tenderness, normal Warmth

1. Liver: non-tender, non-pulsatile, no swelling. 

2. Spleen is non tender.

3. Kidney :

There is pain on palpation of both the kidneys

No swelling is felt.

Renal angle tenderness is present on both the sides.

PERCUSSION:anterior abdomen is resonant.



1. Bowel sounds – 10 to 15/min for small bowel, 3 to 5/min for large bowel 

2. Bruit – Aortic, Hepatic, Renal Bruit: 



Tab shelcal
Inj nodosis
Sucrafil o gel




Blue: serum urea

Orange: serum creatinine

Grey: haemoglobin 


1:14/4/21;  2:16/4/21;  3:19/4/21;  4:20/4/21; 5:23/4/21



apical impulse: not visible

No visible pulsations, dilated veins and pericardial bulge.

Palpation: apex beat at 5th intercostal space medial to mid axillary line.


S1, S2 heard.  


Trachea appears to be central.

Shoulders are at same level.

No pectus excavatum or pectus carinatum.

No visible pulsations,dilated veins and scars.

Normal vesicular Breath sounds heard.


On examination of the Higher Mental Functions :

- He is conscious and well oriented to date, time, season, year, place and person. 

- His speech is normal.

- His short term and long term memory (when asked to repeat 3 names of objects and when asked what he had for dinner last night)

- He is able to perform basic calculations such as subtracting 7 from 100 five times (100. 93. 86, 79, 65)

- He is able to follow a 3-stage command.

- He is also able to read and obey a written command on a piece of paper ( "Close your eyes")

On examination of the Motor System :

1. Rigidity 

2. Bradykinesia

3. Tremors

4. Gait and Coordination

1. Rigidity :

To elicit rigidity, I performed an activation maneuver by asking the patient to tap his hand on the thigh, while I simultaneously checked for rigidity in the wrist, elbow and the ankle.

No rigidity   

3. Tremors :

Tremors are not present

4. Gait and Coordination :

Gait = normal with good arm swing.

                                       Right                      left

     1. Muscle bulk        poor                      poor

     2. Muscle tone         normal                normal


Upper limb                                                                 

Shoulder         Normal                        Normal

Elbow              normal                     normal   

Wrist           normal                   normal     


Lower limb                Normal                       Normal

3. Muscle Power                                                                

Upper Limb                                                                

 Proximal            4/5                               5/5

 Distal                  5/5                              5/5

Lower Limb                                                                

Proximal             4/5                               5/5

Distal                  5/5                               5/5

4. Reflexes                                                                         

 Superficial reflexes

                         Right                            Left

Corneal            +                                    + 

Conjunctival     +                                    + 

Abdominal        +                                    + 

Plantar           Flexor                   Flexor 

Deep tendon reflexes

                           Right                           Left

Biceps                 2+                               2+

Triceps                2+                               2+

Supinator            2+                               2+

Knee                   2+                               3+

Ankle                  2+                               2+

Clonus             Absent                     Absent

On examination of the Cranial Nerves :

Cranial Nerve 1 : The patient can perceive the smell of soap

Cranial Nerve 2 : Counting fingers at 6 meters is normal

Cranial Nerves 3, 4 and 6 : Movements of the extra-ocular muscles, Pupillary reflex and Accommodation reflex are normal. There is no ptosis or nystagmus.

Cranial Nerve 5 : Sensory component = Ability to perceive sensation over specific areas on the face is Normal. Motor component = Jaw jerk was elicited and the muscles of mastication are normal.

Cranial Nerve 7 : No deviation of the angle of the mouth, no loss of nasolabial folds, he is able to puff his cheeks, grin and tightly shut his eyes.

Cranial Nerve 8 : Rinne's test = AC > BC , Weber's test is centralized.

Cranial Nerves 9 and 10 : Uvula is centrally placed and Gag reflex is present.

Cranial Nerve 11 : Patient is able to shrug his shoulders against resistance. Trapezius and Sternocleidomastoid are normal.

Cranial Nerve 12 : Patient can normally move his tongue in all directions.

On examination of the Sensory System :

Right                    Left

1. Pain                            +                          +

2. Crude touch             +                          +

3.  Fine touch               +                          +

4. Vibration sense                                         


Medial malleolus     5.7s                    4.6s

Patella                      9s                       4.3s

Elbow                      4.8s                    6.4s

Wrist                          5s                        7s

5. Proprioception    Normal              Normal

6. Stereognosis        Normal              Normal

7. Tactile localization       Normal        Normal

8. Two-point discrimination  Normal







6. GRBS 6th hourly pre meal

7. INJ HAI 8/L

According to the symptoms and investigations I am of the opinion that it could be acute renal injury due to benign prostate enlargement and he is in the phase of recovery.


A 52yr old male with tender renal angle and high creatinine levels with uncontrolled blood sugars being in the recovery phase of acute kidney injury due to benign prostate hypertrophy.


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